On this page本页内容
All command documentation outlined below describes a command and its available parameters and provides a document template or prototype for each command. 下面列出的所有命令文档都描述了一个命令及其可用参数,并为每个命令提供了一个文档模板或原型。Some command documentation also includes the relevant 一些命令文档还包括相关的mongo
shell helpers.mongo
To run a command against the current database, use 要对当前数据库运行命令,请使用db.runCommand()
To run an administrative command against the 要对admin
database, use db.adminCommand()
For details on specific commands, including syntax and examples, click on the specific command to go to its reference page.有关特定命令的详细信息,包括语法和示例,请单击特定命令以转到其参考页面。
aggregate |
count |
distinct |
mapReduce |
geoSearch |
delete |
find |
findAndModify |
getLastError |
getMore |
insert |
resetError |
update |
planCacheClear |
planCacheClearFilters |
planCacheListFilters |
planCacheSetFilter |
authenticate |
getnonce |
logout |
createUser |
dropAllUsersFromDatabase |
dropUser |
grantRolesToUser |
revokeRolesFromUser |
updateUser |
usersInfo |
createRole |
dropRole |
dropAllRolesFromDatabase |
grantPrivilegesToRole |
grantRolesToRole |
invalidateUserCache |
revokePrivilegesFromRole |
revokeRolesFromRole |
rolesInfo |
updateRole |
applyOps |
isMaster |
replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp |
replSetFreeze |
replSetGetConfig |
replSetGetStatus |
replSetInitiate |
replSetMaintenance |
replSetReconfig |
replSetResizeOplog |
replSetStepDown |
replSetSyncFrom |
See also参阅
Replication for more information regarding replication.复制以获取有关复制的更多信息。
addShard |
addShardToZone |
balancerCollectionStatus |
balancerStart |
balancerStatus |
balancerStop |
checkShardingIndex |
clearJumboFlag |
jumbo flag for a chunk.jumbo 标志。 |
cleanupOrphaned |
enableSharding |
flushRouterConfig |
mongod /mongos instance to update its cached routing metadata.mongod /mongos 实例更新其缓存的路由元数据。 |
getShardMap |
getShardVersion |
isdbgrid |
mongos .mongos 。 |
listShards |
medianKey |
splitVector .splitVector 。 |
moveChunk |
movePrimary |
mergeChunks |
refineCollectionShardKey |
removeShard |
removeShardFromZone |
setShardVersion |
shardCollection |
shardingState |
mongod is a member of a sharded cluster.mongod 是否为分片群集的成员。 |
split |
splitChunk |
sh.splitFind() and sh.splitAt() .sh.splitFind() 方法和sh.splitAt() 方法。 |
splitVector |
unsetSharding |
updateZoneKeyRange |
abortTransaction |
commitTransaction |
endSessions |
killAllSessions |
killAllSessionsByPattern |
killSessions |
refreshSessions |
startSession |
cloneCollectionAsCapped |
collMod |
compact |
connPoolSync |
convertToCapped |
create |
createIndexes |
currentOp |
drop |
dropDatabase |
dropConnections |
dropIndexes |
filemd5 |
fsync |
fsyncUnlock |
getDefaultRWConcern |
getParameter |
killCursors |
killOp |
listCollections |
listDatabases |
listIndexes |
logRotate |
reIndex |
renameCollection |
setFeatureCompatibilityVersion |
setIndexCommitQuorum |
setParameter |
setDefaultRWConcern |
shutdown |
mongod or mongos process.mongod 或mongos 进程。 |
availableQueryOptions |
buildInfo |
collStats |
connPoolStats |
connectionStatus |
cursorInfo |
metrics.cursor .metrics.cursor 所取代。 |
dataSize |
dbHash |
dbStats |
driverOIDTest |
explain |
features |
getCmdLineOpts |
getLog |
hostInfo |
isSelf |
listCommands |
mongod instance.mongod 实例提供的所有数据库命令。 |
lockInfo |
mongod instances.mongod 实例。 |
netstat |
mongos instances.mongos 实例。 |
ping |
profile |
serverStatus |
shardConnPoolStats |
top |
mongod instance.mongod 实例中每个数据库的原始使用统计信息。 |
validate |
whatsmyuri |
setFreeMonitoring |
logApplicationMessage |