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Returns information on locks that are currently being held or pending. lockInfo is an internal command available on mongod instances only.


To run, issue the command against the admin database:

db.adminCommand( { lockInfo: 1 } )

Output Example

The following is an example of the output from the lockInfo:

   "lockInfo" : [
         "resourceId" : "{2305843009213693953: ParallelBatchWriterMode, 1}",
         "granted" : [
               "mode" : "IS",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "conn3",
                  "connectionId" : 3,
                  "client" : "",
                  "opid" : 28770
         "pending" : [ ]
         "resourceId" : "{6917529027641081857: Global, 1}",
         "granted" : [
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "conn3",
                  "connectionId" : 3,
                  "client" : "",
                  "opid" : 28770
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0",
                  "opid" : 27437
         "pending" : [ ]
         "resourceId" : "{4611686018427387905: ReplicationStateTransition, 1}",
         "granted" : [
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "conn3",
                  "connectionId" : 3,
                  "client" : "",
                  "opid" : 28770
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0",
                  "opid" : 27437
         "pending" : [ ]
         "resourceId" : "{10123292395995783581: Database, 899920359141007773, test}",
         "granted" : [
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "conn3",
                  "connectionId" : 3,
                  "client" : "",
                  "opid" : 28770
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0",
                  "opid" : 27437
         "pending" : [ ]
         "resourceId" : "{12576221391967629173: Collection, 1047006345899159413, test.hugeindex}",
         "granted" : [
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "conn3",
                  "connectionId" : 3,
                  "client" : "",
                  "opid" : 28770
               "mode" : "IX",
               "convertMode" : "NONE",
               "enqueueAtFront" : false,
               "compatibleFirst" : false,
               "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094",
               "clientInfo" : {
                  "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0",
                  "opid" : 27437
         "pending" : [ ]
   "ok" : 1

Output Fields


An array of documents that report on the lock information. Each document includes:


The resource on which the locks are being held or pending.


An array of documents. Each document provides information on locks that are currently granted on the resource.


An array of documents. Each document provides information on locks that are currently pending on the resource.

Lock Information

For each granted or pending lock document, information include:


Specifies the lock mode:

Lock ModeDescription描述
S Shared
X Exclusive
IS Intent Shared
IX Intent Exclusive (IX)
convertMode Specifies the new lock mode for conversion.
enqueueAtFront A boolean that indicates whether to put the lock at the front of the queue or the back in case of conflict.
compatibleFirst A boolean that indicates to grant lock requests based on compatibility with already granted locks or to use the first-in-first-out (FIFO) order.
debugInfo Information about the operation that issued the lock request.
clientInfo A document detailing the client information.