
To access the real-time server performance view, click the cluster name in the upper left corner and select the Performance tab.要访问实时服务器性能视图,请单击左上角的群集名称并选择“性能”选项卡。

Example of cluster performance view

The Performance tab displays various stats:“性能”选项卡显示各种统计信息:

Performance statistics example
Displays the number of operations as reported by mongostat. 显示mongostat报告的操作数。For a description of the fields, see mongostat.有关字段的说明,请参阅mongostat
Read & Write读和写
Displays the number of active reads, queued reads, active writes, queued writes as reported by mongostat. 显示mongostat报告的活动读取、排队读取、活动写入和排队写入的数量。For a description of the fields, see mongostat.有关字段的说明,请参阅mongostat
Displays the number of connections as reported by mongostat. 显示mongostat报告的连接数。For a description of the fields, see mongostat.有关字段的说明,请参阅mongostat
Displays the memory stats as reported by mongostat. 显示mongostat报告的内存统计信息。For a description of the fields, see mongostat.有关字段的说明,请参阅mongostat
Hottest Collections最热门的系列

Displays the collections with the most activities as reported by mongotop.显示mongotop报告的活动最多的集合。

The collections correspond to a given moment in the charts; i.e. as you move over the charts, the corresponding collections are highlighted/displayed in the table.集合对应于图表中的给定时刻;i、 e.当您在图表上移动时,相应的集合将在表格中突出显示/显示。

Slowest Operations最慢的操作
Displays the slowest operations as reported by db.currentOp(). 显示db.currentOp()报告的最慢操作。The operations correspond to a given moment in the charts; i.e. as you move over the charts, the corresponding slowest operations are displayed in the table. 操作对应于图表中的给定时刻;例如,当您在图表上移动时,表中会显示相应的最慢操作。To view the details of a slow operation or kill the operation, click on the operation.要查看慢速操作的详细信息或终止该操作,请单击该操作。
Required Permissions必需的权限

On deployments which require authentication, to kill operations not owned by the user, the user must have access that includes the killop privilege action.在需要身份验证的部署上,要终止不属于用户的操作,用户必须具有包括killop权限操作的访问权限。

You can kill slow operations from the Performance Tab.您可以从“性能”选项卡中停止慢速操作。

  1. Click the query you would like to kill in the Slowest Operations section.在“最慢的操作”部分中单击要终止的查询。

    Slow Operations section

  2. In the Operation Details view, click Kill Op.在“操作详细信息”视图中,单击“终止操作”。

    Kill Op button

The Pause button above the graph display pauses the update of the displays only. 图形显示器上方的“暂停”按钮仅暂停显示器的更新。Pausing the performance tab does not impact the collection of the underlying data. 暂停“性能”选项卡不会影响基础数据的收集。To restart the display updates, click Play.要重新启动显示更新,请单击“播放”。

Next to the Pause button is a clock which shows the current time while the graphs are updating. “暂停”按钮旁边是一个时钟,显示图形更新时的当前时间。If the display is paused, the clock shows the time at which the pause began.如果显示屏暂停,时钟将显示暂停开始的时间。

The Performance tab is not available if you are connected to a Data Lake.如果连接到数据湖,“性能”选项卡不可用。