What is MongoDB Compass?什么是MongoDB Compass?

MongoDB Compass is a powerful GUI for querying, aggregating, and analyzing your MongoDB data in a visual environment.MongoDB Compass是一个强大的GUI,用于在可视化环境中查询、聚合和分析MongoDB数据。

Compass is free to use and source available, and can be run on macOS, Windows, and Linux.Compass是免费使用和源代码可用的,可以在macOS、Windows和Linux上运行。

Download Compass下载CompassView installation instructions查看安装说明

Homepage hero image
What You Can Do你能做什么

Explore some of the tasks Compass can help you accomplish, such as importing and managing data from an easy-to-navigate interface.探索Compass可以帮助您完成的一些任务,例如从易于导航的界面导入和管理数据。


Connect to your deployment连接到部署

Connect to a MongoDB deployment hosted on MongoDB Atlas, or a deployment hosted locally on your own machine.连接到MongoDB Atlas上托管的MongoDB部署,或连接到您自己机器上本地托管的部署。

To learn more, see Connect to MongoDB要了解更多信息,请参阅连接到MongoDB


Import your data导入数据

Import data from CSV or JSON files into your MongoDB database.将CSV或JSON文件中的数据导入MongoDB数据库。

To learn more, see Import and Export Data要了解更多信息,请参阅导入和导出数据

MongoDB Compass import image

Insert documents into your collections在集合中插入文档

Paste documents into the JSON view, or manually insert documents using a field-by-field editor.将文档粘贴到JSON视图中,或者使用逐字段编辑器手动插入文档。

To learn more, see Insert Documents要了解更多信息,请参阅插入文档


Query your data查询您的数据

Write ad-hoc queries to filter your data. 编写特殊查询以筛选数据。Explore trends and commonalities in your collections.探索您的集合中的趋势和共性。

To learn more, see Query Your Data要了解更多信息,请参阅查询数据

MongoDB Compass collection query image

Insert documents into your collections在集合中插入文档

Insert documents into your collections in two ways, JSON Mode and a Field-by-Field Editor.通过两种方式将文档插入到集合中:JSON模式和逐字段编辑器。

To learn more, see Insert Documents要了解更多信息,请参阅插入文档


Create aggregation pipelines创建聚合管道

Write aggregation pipelines that allow documents in a collection or view to pass through multiple stages where they are processed into a set of aggregated results.编写聚合管道,允许集合或视图中的文档通过多个阶段,并在这些阶段中处理为一组聚合结果。

To learn more, see Aggregation Pipeline Builder要了解更多信息,请参阅聚合管道生成器

MongoDB Compass aggregation pipeline image

Connect to your deployment连接到部署

Connect to a MongoDB deployment hosted on MongoDB Atlas, or a deployment hosted locally on your own machine.连接到MongoDB Atlas上托管的MongoDB部署,或连接到您自己机器上本地托管的部署。

To learn more, see Connect to MongoDB要了解更多信息,请参阅连接到MongoDB


Work with your data in the MongoDB Shell使用MongoDB Shell中的数据

Use the embedded MongoDB Shell in Compass to control your data in an interactive JavaScript environment.使用Compass中嵌入的MongoDB Shell在交互式JavaScript环境中控制数据。

To learn more, see Embedded MongoDB Shell要了解更多信息,请参阅嵌入式MongoDB Shell

MongoDB Compass embedded shell image
Related Products and Resources相关产品和资源

Expand your knowledge of MongoDB by using Compass with other MongoDB products.通过将Compass与其他MongoDB产品结合使用,扩展您对MongoDB的了解。

MongoDB Atlas icon

Use Compass to connect to your Atlas cluster使用Compass连接到Atlas群集

Read Atlas docs

MongoDB University icon

Learn MongoDB Basics with MongoDB University通过MongoDB大学学习MongoDB基础知识

Learn MongoDB Basics

MongoDB Server icon

Access more in-depth examples of querying data访问查询数据的更深入示例

Read Server docs