Compass Home主页¶
On this page
The Compass Home screen provides details regarding the MongoDB instance to which Compass is connected, including:Compass主屏幕提供有关Compass连接到的MongoDB实例的详细信息,包括:
The connection name if the connection is a favorite connection, or "My Cluster" otherwise.如果连接是集合夹连接,则为连接名称,否则为“我的群集”。The deployment type (standalone, replica set, sharded cluster).部署类型(独立、副本集、分片群集)。If the deployment is a replica set and the replica set name is specified in the connection window, the number of replica set members will also be displayed.如果部署是副本集,并且在连接窗口中指定了副本集名称,则还将显示副本集成员的数量。The hostname and port, as well as the version of MongoDB.主机名和端口,以及MongoDB的版本。A list of the instance's databases.数据库的实例列表。Performance statistics性能统计, including memory usage, operation counts, and slowest operations.,包括内存使用率、操作计数和最慢的操作。

Once connected to a MongoDB instance, you can reach the Compass Home screen by clicking the cluster name in the upper left corner.连接到MongoDB实例后,您可以通过单击左上角的集群名称进入Compass主屏幕。
Databases Tab数据库选项卡¶
The Databases tab of the Home screen shows a list of all the databases on the current connection, with each one's storage size, number of collections, and number of indexes. 主屏幕的数据库选项卡显示当前连接上所有数据库的列表,以及每个数据库的存储大小、集合数和索引数。For more information about the Databases tab and instructions on viewing a database, see Databases.有关“数据库”选项卡的详细信息以及有关查看数据库的说明,请参阅数据库。
Performance Tab性能选项卡¶
The Performance tab provides real-time server performance statistics and graphs, showing insights such as:“性能”选项卡提供实时服务器性能统计信息和图表,显示以下细节:
Which database collections receive the most operations哪些数据库集合接收的操作最多Which operations take the longest to execute哪些操作执行时间最长Memory utilization内存利用率
For more information about the Performance tab, see Performance.有关“性能”选项卡的详细信息,请参阅性能。