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Installation安装 is the primary software distribution site. 是主要的软件分发站点。Please read the installation instructions for your use case:请阅读用例的安装说明:

  • Standalone Browser Scripts独立浏览器脚本 - Classic pages with simple <script> tags带有简单<script>标签的经典页面
  • Frameworks and Bundlers框架和捆绑包 - Angular, React, VueJS, Webpack, etc.
  • Deno - Import ECMAScript Modules and TypeScript definitions导入ECMAScript模块和TypeScript定义
  • NodeJS - Server-side and other frameworks using NodeJS modules使用Node.js模块的服务器端和其他框架
  • ExtendScript - Photoshop, InDesign, and other Creative Cloud appsPhotoshop、InDesign和其他创意云应用程序
  • AMD (define) - NetSuite, SAP UI5, RequireJSNetSuite、SAP UI5、RequireJS