This is a number in MongoServerError and a string in MongoDriverError这是MongoServerError中的一个数字,也是MongoDriverError中的一个字符串
Legacy name for server error responses服务器错误响应的旧名称
Checks the error to see if it has an error label检查错误以查看是否有错误标签
The error label to check for要检查的错误标签
returns true if the error has the provided error label如果错误具有提供的错误标签,则返回true
Create .stack property on a target object在目标对象上创建stack
Optional override for formatting stack traces用于格式化堆栈跟踪的可选覆盖
Generated using TypeDoc
CSFLE has a dependency on this error, it uses the constructor with a string argumentCSFLE依赖于此错误,它使用带字符串参数的构造函数