Sets or gets the default captureRejection value for all emitters.设置或获取所有发射器的默认captureRejection值。
This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring 此符号应用于安装仅用于监控'error'
events. 'error'
事件的侦听器。Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular 在调用常规'error'
listeners are called.'error'
Installing a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an 使用此符号安装侦听器不会在发出'error'
event is emitted, therefore the process will still crash if no regular 'error'
listener is installed.'error'
Add a cursor flag to the cursor向游标添加游标标志
The flag to set, must be one of following ['tailable', 'oplogReplay', 'noCursorTimeout', 'awaitData', 'partial' -.要设置的标志必须是以下标志之一['tailable'、'oplogReplay'、'noCursorTimeout'、'waitdata'、'partial'-。
The flag boolean value.标志布尔值。
Add a query modifier to the cursor query向游标查询添加查询修饰符
The query modifier (must start with $, such as $orderby etc)查询修饰符(必须以$开头,如$orderby等)
The modifier value.修饰符值。
Allows disk use for blocking sort operations exceeding 100MB memory. (MongoDB 3.2 or higher)允许磁盘用于阻止超过100MB内存的排序操作。(MongoDB 3.2或更高版本)
Set the batch size for the cursor.设置游标的批次大小。
The number of documents to return per batch. 每批要返回的文档数。See find command documentation.请参见查找命令文档。
Returns current buffered documents length返回当前缓冲文档的长度
Returns a new uninitialized copy of this cursor, with options matching those that have been set on the current instance返回此游标的新未初始化副本,其选项与在当前实例上设置的选项匹配
Set the collation options for the cursor.设置游标的排序规则选项。
The cursor collation options (MongoDB 3.4 or higher) settings for update operation (see 3.4 documentation for available fields).更新操作的游标排序选项(MongoDB 3.4或更高版本)设置(有关可用字段,请参阅3.4文档)。
Add a comment to the cursor query allowing for tracking the comment in the log.向游标查询添加注释,以便跟踪日志中的注释。
The comment attached to this query.附加到此查询的注释。
Get the count of documents for this cursor获取此游标的文档数
Execute the explain for the cursor执行游标的解释
Set the cursor query设置游标查询
Iterates over all the documents for this cursor using the iterator, callback pattern.使用迭代器回调模式迭代此游标的所有文档。
The iteration callback.迭代回调。
Set the cursor hint设置游标提示
If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index.如果指定,那么查询系统将只考虑使用暗示索引的计划。
Set the limit for the cursor.设置游标的限制。
The limit for the cursor query.游标查询的限制。
Map all documents using the provided function If there is a transform set on the cursor, that will be called first and the result passed to this function's transform.如果游标上有一个转换集,则使用提供的函数映射所有文档,该转换集将首先被调用,并将结果传递给该函数的转换。
Set the cursor max将游标设置为最大值
Specify a $max value to specify the exclusive upper bound for a specific index in order to constrain the results of find(). 指定$max值以指定特定索引的独占上限,以约束find()
的结果。The $max specifies the upper bound for all keys of a specific index in order.$max按顺序指定特定索引的所有键的上限。
Set a maxAwaitTimeMS on a tailing cursor query to allow to customize the timeout value for the option awaitData (Only supported on MongoDB 3.2 or higher, ignored otherwise)在跟踪游标查询上设置maxAwaitTimeMS,以允许自定义选项awaitData的超时值(仅在MongoDB 3.2或更高版本上受支持,否则将被忽略)
Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the tailed query.中止尾部查询之前等待的毫秒数。
Set a maxTimeMS on the cursor query, allowing for hard timeout limits on queries (Only supported on MongoDB 2.6 or higher)在游标查询上设置maxTimeMS,允许对查询进行硬超时限制(仅MongoDB 2.6或更高版本支持)
Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the query.中止查询前等待的毫秒数。
Set the cursor min将游标设置为min
Specify a $min value to specify the inclusive lower bound for a specific index in order to constrain the results of find(). 指定$min值以指定特定索引的包含下限,以约束find()
的结果。The $min specifies the lower bound for all keys of a specific index in order.$min按顺序指定特定索引的所有键的下限。
Get the next available document from the cursor, returns null if no more documents are available.从游标获取下一个可用文档,如果没有更多可用文档,则返回null
Add a project stage to the aggregation pipeline将项目阶段添加到聚合管道
Returns current buffered documents返回当前缓冲的文档
Set the cursor returnKey. 设置游标返回键。If set to true, modifies the cursor to only return the index field or fields for the results of the query, rather than documents. 如果设置为true
,则修改游标以仅返回查询结果的索引字段,而不是文档。If set to true and the query does not use an index to perform the read operation, the returned documents will not contain any fields.如果设置为true
the returnKey value.返回键值。
Rewind this cursor to its uninitialized state. 将游标倒回其未初始化状态。Any options that are present on the cursor will remain in effect. 游标上的任何选项都将保持有效。Iterating this cursor will cause new queries to be sent to the server, even if the resultant data has already been retrieved by this cursor.迭代此游标将导致向服务器发送新的查询,即使结果数据已被此游标检索。
Modifies the output of a query by adding a field $recordId to matching documents. 通过向匹配文档添加字段$recordId来修改查询的输出。$recordId is the internal key which uniquely identifies a document in a collection.$recordId是唯一标识集合中文档的内部键。
The $showDiskLoc option has now been deprecated and replaced with the showRecordId field. $showDiskLoc选项现已被弃用,并替换为showRecordId字段。$showDiskLoc will still be accepted for OP_QUERY stye find.$showDiskLoc仍将被接受用于操作查询查找。
Set the skip for the cursor.设置游标的跳过。
The skip for the cursor query.游标查询的跳过。
Sets the sort order of the cursor query.设置游标查询的排序顺序。
The key or keys set for the sort.为排序设置的一个或多个键。
The direction of the sorting (1 or -1).排序的方向(1或-1)。
Returns an array of documents. 返回一个文档数组。The caller is responsible for making sure that there is enough memory to store the results. 调用者负责确保有足够的内存来存储结果。Note that the array only contains partial results when this cursor had been previously accessed. 请注意,当以前访问过此游标时,数组仅包含部分结果。In that case, cursor.rewind() can be used to reset the cursor.在这种情况下,可以使用cursor.rewind()
Try to get the next available document from the cursor or 尝试从游标获取下一个可用文档,如果返回空批,则返回null
if an empty batch is returnednull
Set the ReadPreference for the cursor.为游标设置ReadPreference。
Set the ReadPreference for the cursor.为游标设置ReadPreference。
The new read preference for the cursor.游标的新读取首选项。
Returns a list listener for a specific emitter event name.返回特定发射器事件名称的列表侦听器。
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