Compatibility Changes in MongoDB 4.0

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The following 4.0 changes can affect the compatibility with older versions of MongoDB.

Remove Support for MONGODB-CR

Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB removes support for the deprecated MongoDB Challenge-Response (MONGODB-CR) authentication mechanism.

Since version 3.0, MongoDB has not supported the creation of MONGODB-CR users unless the deployment had been upgraded from a 2.6 or earlier deployment that already had MONGODB-CR users and had not upgraded the authentication schema.

If your deployment has user credentials stored in MONGODB-CR schema, you must upgrade to Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) before you upgrade to version 4.0. For information on upgrading to SCRAM, see Upgrade to SCRAM.

Removal of authSchemaUpgrade Command

MongoDB 4.0 removes the authSchemaUpgrade command . The command, available in MongoDB 3.0 through MongoDB 3.6, supports the upgrade process for systems with MONGDB-CR users to SCRAM users.

If your deployment has user credentials stored in MONGODB-CR schema, you must upgrade to Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) before you upgrade to version 4.0. For information on upgrading to SCRAM, see Upgrade to SCRAM.

Remove MONGODB-CR Support from db.copyDatabase() and copydb

The method db.copyDatabase() cannot copy from a mongod instance that enforces MONGODB-CR authentication.

The command copydb cannot copy from a mongod instance that enforces MONGODB-CR authentication. In conjunction with this change, MongoDB 4.0 removes the copydbgetnonce command.

Deprecate MMAPv1

Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB deprecates the MMAPv1 storage engine.

To change your MMAPv1 storage engine deployment to WiredTiger Storage Engine, see:

x.509 Authentication Certificate Restrictions

Starting in MongoDB 4.0, if you specify --sslAllowInvalidCertificates or net.ssl.allowInvalidCertificates: true (or in MongoDB 4.2, the alias --tlsAllowInvalidateCertificates or net.tls.allowInvalidCertificates: true) when using x.509 authentication, an invalid certificate is only sufficient to establish a TLS/SSL connection but is insufficient for authentication.

If you are using invalid certificates to perform x.509 authentication, update your certificates to valid certificates. For example, you may sign your existing certificates with a trusted CA, or if using a custom CA, specify that CA using net.ssl.CAFile.

Replica Sets

Remove pv0 for Replica Sets

Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB removes the deprecated replica set protocol version 0 pv0.

Before upgrading to MongoDB 4.0, you must upgrade to pv1.

To upgrade to pv1, connect a mongo shell to the replica set primary and perform the following sequence of operations:

cfg = rs.conf();

To reduce the likelihood of w:1 rollbacks, you can also reconfigure the replica set to a higher settings.catchUpTimeoutMillis setting.

For more information on pv1, see Replica Set Protocol Version.

Remove Master-Slave Replication

MongoDB 4.0 removes support for the deprecated master-slave replication. Before you can upgrade to MongoDB 4.0, if your deployment uses master-slave replication, you must upgrade to a replica set.

To convert from master-slave replication to a replica set, see Convert a Master-Slave Deployment to a Replica Set.

Journaling and Replica Sets

Starting in MongoDB 4.0, you cannot specify --nojournal option or storage.journal.enabled: false for replica set members that use the WiredTiger storage engine.

Index Builds and Replica Sets

You cannot specify --noIndexBuildRetry or storage.indexBuildRetry with --replSet or replication.replSetName. That is, you cannot use --noIndexBuildRetry or storage.indexBuildRetry for a mongod instance that is part of a replica set.

Rollback Limit

MongoDB 4.0 removes the limit on the amount of data that can be rolled back. In previous versions, a mongod instance will not roll back more than 300 megabytes of data and requires manual intervention if more than 300 megabytes of data need to be rolled back.

Starting in MongoDB 4.0, the rollback time limit defaults to 1 day and is configurable using the new parameter rollbackTimeLimitSecs. In earlier versions, the rollback time limit is not configurable and is set to 30 minutes.

Sharded Clusters

mongos uses "majority" write concern for the following operations that affect the sharded cluster metadata:

addShard sh.addShard()  
create db.createCollection()  
drop db.collection.drop()  
dropDatabase db.dropDatabase() Changed in MongoDB 3.6
enableSharding sh.enableSharding()  
renameCollection db.collection.renameCollection()  
shardCollection sh.shardCollection()  

4.0 Feature Compatibility

Some features in 4.0 require not just the 4.0 binaries but the featureCompatibilityVersion set to 4.0. These features include:


cursor.min() and cursor.max()

If you use max() with min() to specify a range, the bound specified by max() must be greater than the bound specified by min().

In previous versions, the bounds could be equal but would scan no index entries, always resulting in an empty result set.

Disable TLS 1.0

MongoDB binaries (mongod, mongos, and mongo) disables support for TLS 1.0 encryption on systems where TLS 1.1+ is available.

If you need to support TLS 1.0:

On macOS, to connect mongo shell version 3.6.4 or earlier to a MongoDB 4.0+ deployment requires explicit enabling of TLS 1.0.


MongoDB Enterprise on Windows no longer supports AES256-GCM. This cipher is now available only on Linux.

mongo Shell

show collections

Starting in version 4.0 of the mongo shell, show collections is equivalent to:

db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1.0, authorizedCollections: true, nameOnly: true } )
  • For users with the required access, show collections lists the non-system collections for the database.
  • For users without the required access, show collections lists only the collections for which the users has privileges.

When a version 4.0 mongo shell is connected to an earlier version MongoDB deployment that does not support authorizedCollections and nameOnly options,

  • A user must have the required access to run listCollection.
  • If a user does not have required access and runs show collections, MongoDB uses the authenticatedUserPrivileges field returned by connectionStatus to return an approximate list of collections for the user.


Starting in version 4.0 of the mongo shell, db.getCollectionNames() is equivalent to:

db.runCommand( { listCollections: 1.0, authorizedCollections: true, nameOnly: true } )
  • For users with the required access (privileges that grant listCollections action on the database), the method lists the names of all collections for the database.
  • For users without the required access, the method lists only the collections for which the users has privileges. For example, if a user has find on a specific collection in a database, the method would return just that collection.

Removed Binary and Deprecated Fields/Commands


MongoDB 4.0 removes the mongoperf binary.

copydb and clone Commands

MongoDB 4.0 deprecates the copydb and the clone commands and their mongo shell helpers db.copyDatabase() and db.cloneDatabase().

As alternatives, users can use mongodump and mongorestore (with the mongorestore options --nsFrom and --nsTo) or write a script using the drivers.

For example, to copy the test database from a local instance running on the default port 27017 to the examples database on the same instance, you can:

  1. Use mongodump to dump the test database to an archive mongodump-test-db:

    mongodump --archive="mongodump-test-db" --db=test
  2. Use mongorestore with --nsFrom and --nsTo to restore (with database name change) from the archive:

    mongorestore --archive="mongodump-test-db" --nsFrom='test.*' --nsTo='examples.*'


Include additional options as necessary, such as to specify the uri or host, username, password and authentication database.

Alternatively, instead of using an archive file, you can mongodump the test database to the standard output stream and pipe into mongorestore:

mongodump --archive --db=test | mongorestore --archive  --nsFrom='test.*' --nsTo='examples.*'


  • MongoDB removes the obsolete logUserIds parameter. Use Auditing instead.

$isolated Operator

MongoDB drops support for the $isolated operator. If you have an existing partial index that includes the $isolated operator or a view that includes a $isolated operator, recreate the index or view without the operator in the definition before upgrading.

Instead of the $isolated operator, use transactions instead.

geoNear Command

MongoDB 4.0 deprecates the geoNear command. Use one of the following operations instead.

maxScan Option

MongoDB deprecates the option maxScan for the find command and the mongo shell helper cursor.maxScan(). Instead, use maxTimeMS option or the helper cursor.maxTimeMS().

Output Field Changes