On this page本页内容
Shell¶sh.addShard() |
Adds a shard to a sharded cluster. |
sh.addShardTag() |
In MongoDB 3.4, this method aliases to sh.addShardToZone() . |
sh.addShardToZone() |
Associates a shard to a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
sh.addTagRange() |
In MongoDB 3.4, this method aliases to sh.updateZoneKeyRange() . |
sh.balancerCollectionStatus() |
Returns information on whether the chunks of a sharded collection are balanced.
sh.disableBalancing() |
Disable balancing on a single collection in a sharded database. Does not affect balancing of other collections in a sharded cluster. |
sh.enableBalancing() |
Activates the sharded collection balancer process if previously disabled using sh.disableBalancing() . |
sh.disableAutoSplit() |
Disables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster. |
sh.enableAutoSplit() |
Enables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster. |
sh.enableSharding() |
Enables sharding on a specific database. |
sh.getBalancerHost() |
Deprecated since MongoDB 3.4 |
sh.getBalancerState() |
Returns a boolean to report if the balancer is currently enabled. |
sh.removeTagRange() |
In MongoDB 3.4, this method aliases to sh.removeRangeFromZone() . |
sh.removeRangeFromZone() |
Removes an association between a range of shard keys and a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
sh.help() |
Returns help text for the sh methods. |
sh.isBalancerRunning() |
Returns a boolean to report if the balancer process is currently migrating chunks. |
sh.moveChunk() |
Migrates a chunk in a sharded cluster. |
sh.removeShardTag() |
In MongoDB 3.4, this method aliases to sh.removeShardFromZone() . |
sh.removeShardFromZone() |
Removes the association between a shard and a zone. Use to manage zone sharding. |
sh.setBalancerState() |
Enables or disables the balancer which migrates chunks between shards. |
sh.shardCollection() |
Enables sharding for a collection. |
sh.splitAt() |
Divides an existing chunk into two chunks using a specific value of the shard key as the dividing point. |
sh.splitFind() |
Divides an existing chunk that contains a document matching a query into two approximately equal chunks. |
sh.startBalancer() |
Enables the balancer and waits for balancing to start. |
sh.status() |
Reports on the status of a sharded cluster, as db.printShardingStatus() . |
sh.stopBalancer() |
Disables the balancer and waits for any in progress balancing rounds to complete. |
sh.waitForBalancer() |
Internal. Waits for the balancer state to change. |
sh.waitForBalancerOff() |
Internal. Waits until the balancer stops running. |
sh.waitForPingChange() |
Internal. Waits for a change in ping state from one of the mongos in the sharded cluster. |
sh.updateZoneKeyRange() |
Associates a range of shard keys to a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
convertShardKeyToHashed() |
Returns the hashed value for the input. |
The following database commands support sharded clusters.
addShard |
Adds a shard to a sharded cluster. |
addShardToZone |
Associates a shard with a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
balancerCollectionStatus |
Returns information on whether the chunks of a sharded collection are balanced.
balancerStart |
Starts a balancer thread. |
balancerStatus |
Returns information on the balancer status. |
balancerStop |
Stops the balancer thread. |
checkShardingIndex |
Internal command that validates index on shard key. |
clearJumboFlag |
Clears the jumbo flag for a chunk. |
cleanupOrphaned |
Removes orphaned data with shard key values outside of the ranges of the chunks owned by a shard. |
enableSharding |
Enables sharding on a specific database. |
flushRouterConfig |
Forces a mongod /mongos instance to update its cached routing metadata. |
getShardMap |
Internal command that reports on the state of a sharded cluster. |
getShardVersion |
Internal command that returns the config server version. |
isdbgrid |
Verifies that a process is a mongos . |
listShards |
Returns a list of configured shards. |
medianKey |
Deprecated internal command. See splitVector . |
moveChunk |
Internal command that migrates chunks between shards. |
movePrimary |
Reassigns the primary shard when removing a shard from a sharded cluster. |
mergeChunks |
Provides the ability to combine chunks on a single shard. |
removeShard |
Starts the process of removing a shard from a sharded cluster. |
removeShardFromZone |
Removes the association between a shard and a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
setShardVersion |
Internal command to sets the config server version. |
shardCollection |
Enables the sharding functionality for a collection, allowing the collection to be sharded. |
shardingState |
Reports whether the mongod is a member of a sharded cluster. |
split |
Creates a new chunk. |
splitChunk |
Internal command to split chunk. Instead use the methods sh.splitFind() and sh.splitAt() . |
splitVector |
Internal command that determines split points. |
unsetSharding |
Deprecated. Internal command that affects connections between instances in a MongoDB deployment. |
updateZoneKeyRange |
Adds or removes the association between a range of sharded data and a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
database that MongoDB uses to store sharded cluster metadata.