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New in version 4.0.版本4.0中的新功能。

Disables free Cloud monitoring.


To run db.disableFreeMonitoring(), you must have specified --enableFreeMonitoring command-line option or cloud.monitoring.free.state configuration file set to runtime.

Otherwise, you can only enable or disable at startup. See --enableFreeMonitoring command-line option or cloud.monitoring.free.state for details.

The db.disableFreeMonitoring() method is a wrapper around the setFreeMonitoring command.

Access Control

When running with access control, the user must have the setFreeMonitoring privilege actions on the cluster. That is, a user must have a role that grants the following privilege:

{ resource: { cluster : true }, actions: [ "setFreeMonitoring" ] }

The built-in role clusterMonitor role provides this privilege.


To disable free monitoring, run the following from the mongo shell:


You can use db.getFreeMonitoringStatus() to check your of free monitoring status:


If free monitoring is disabled, the method returns a document similar to:

   "state" : "disabled",
   "message" : "To see your monitoring data, navigate to the unique URL below.\nAnyone you share the URL with will also be able to view this page.\n\nhttps://cloud.mongodb.com/freemonitoring/mongo/MSBjZTZhNTJmOS0yODg1\n\nYou can disable monitoring at any time by running db.disableFreeMonitoring().",
   "url" : "https://cloud.mongodb.com/freemonitoring/mongo/MSBjZTZhNTJmOS0yODg1",
   "userReminder" : "",
   "ok" : 1

Even when disabled, your unique URL is returned so that if you re-enable monitoring at a later time, you can access your previous metrics that has not expired within the past 24 hours.