Resource Document

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The resource document specifies the resources upon which a privilege permits actions.

Database and/or Collection Resource

To specify databases and/or collections, use the following syntax:

{ db: <database>, collection: <collection> }

Specify a Collection of a Database as Resource

If the resource document species both the db and collection fields as non-empty strings, the resource is the specified collection in the specified database. For example, the following document specifies a resource of the inventory collection in the products database:

{ db: "products", collection: "inventory" }

For a user-defined role scoped for a non-admin database, the resource specification for its privileges must specify the same database as the role. User-defined roles scoped for the admin database can specify other databases.

Specify a Database as Resource

If only the collection field is an empty string (""), the resource is the specified database, excluding the system collections. For example, the following resource document specifies the resource of the test database, excluding the system collections:

{ db: "test", collection: "" }

For a user-defined role scoped for a non-admin database, the resource specification for its privileges must specify the same database as the role. User-defined roles scoped for the admin database can specify other databases.


When you specify a database as the resource, system collections are excluded, unless you name them explicitly, as in the following:

{ db: "test", collection: "system.js" }

System collections include but are not limited to the following:

Specify Collections Across Databases as Resource

If only the db field is an empty string (""), the resource is all collections with the specified name across all databases. For example, the following document specifies the resource of all the accounts collections across all the databases:

{ db: "", collection: "accounts" }

For user-defined roles, only roles scoped for the admin database can have this resource specification for their privileges.

Specify All Non-System Collections in All Databases

If both the db and collection fields are empty strings (""), the resource is all collections, excluding the system collections, in all the databases:

{ db: "", collection: "" }

For user-defined roles, only roles scoped for the admin database can have this resource specification for their privileges.

Cluster Resource

To specify the cluster as the resource, use the following syntax:

{ cluster : true }

Use the cluster resource for actions that affect the state of the system rather than act on specific set of databases or collections. Examples of such actions are shutdown, replSetReconfig, and addShard. For example, the following document grants the action shutdown on the cluster.

{ resource: { cluster : true }, actions: [ "shutdown" ] }

For user-defined roles, only roles scoped for the admin database can have this resource specification for their privileges.


The internal resource anyResource gives access to every resource in the system and is intended for internal use. Do not use this resource, other than in exceptional circumstances. The syntax for this resource is { anyResource: true }.