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mongo Shell Method

This page documents the mongo shell method, and does not refer to the MongoDB Node.js driver (or any other driver) method. 本页记录了mongo shell方法,未提及MongoDB Node.js驱动程序(或任何其他驱动程序)方法。For corresponding MongoDB driver API, refer to your specific MongoDB driver documentation instead.有关相应的MongoDB驱动程序API,请参阅特定的MongoDB驱动程序文档。

Returns information on the query plan for the following methods:返回有关以下方法的查询计划的信息:

Starting in MongoDB 3.0从MongoDB 3.0开始Starting in MongoDB 3.2从MongoDB 3.2开始Starting in MongoDB 4.4从MongoDB 4.4开始

To use db.collection.explain(), append one of the aforementioned methods to db.collection.explain():要使用db.collection.explain(),请将上述方法之一附加到db.collection.explain()


For example,例如

db.products.explain().remove( { category: "apparel" }, { justOne: true } )

For more examples, see Examples. 有关更多示例,请参阅示例See also db.collection.explain().help().另请参见db.collection.explain().help()

The db.collection.explain() method has the following parameter:db.collection.explain()方法具有以下参数:

verbosity string

Optional.可选。Specifies the verbosity mode for the explain output. 指定解释输出的详细模式。The mode affects the behavior of explain() and determines the amount of information to return. 模式会影响explain()的行为,并确定要返回的信息量。The possible modes are:可能的模式有:

  • "queryPlanner" (Default)
  • "executionStats"
  • "allPlansExecution"

For backwards compatibility with earlier versions of cursor.explain(), MongoDB interprets true as "allPlansExecution" and false as "queryPlanner".为了向后兼容cursor.explain()的早期版本,MongoDB将true解释为"allPlansExecution",将false解释为"queryPlanner"

For more information on the modes, see Verbosity Modes.有关这些模式的更多信息,请参阅详细模式


Verbosity Modes冗长模式

The behavior of db.collection.explain() and the amount of information returned depend on the verbosity mode.db.collection.explain()的行为和返回的信息量取决于verbosity(详细)模式。

By default, db.collection.explain() runs in queryPlanner verbosity mode.默认情况下,db.collection.explain()queryPlanner详细模式运行。

MongoDB runs the query optimizer to choose the winning plan for the operation under evaluation. MongoDB运行查询优化器,为正在评估的操作选择获胜计划。db.collection.explain() returns the queryPlanner information for the evaluated method.返回已计算方法的queryPlanner信息。

MongoDB runs the query optimizer to choose the winning plan, executes the winning plan to completion, and returns statistics describing the execution of the winning plan.MongoDB运行查询优化器来选择获胜计划,执行获胜计划直至完成,并返回描述获胜计划执行情况的统计信息。

For write operations, db.collection.explain() returns information about the update or delete operations that would be performed, but does not apply the modifications to the database.对于写操作,db.collection.explain()返回有关将要执行的更新或删除操作的信息,但不将修改应用于数据库。

db.collection.explain() returns the queryPlanner and executionStats information for the evaluated method. 返回已评估方法的queryPlannerexecutionStats信息。However, executionStats does not provide query execution information for the rejected plans.但是,executionStats不提供被拒绝计划的查询执行信息。

MongoDB runs the query optimizer to choose the winning plan and executes the winning plan to completion. MongoDB运行查询优化器来选择获胜计划,并执行获胜计划直至完成。In "allPlansExecution" mode, MongoDB returns statistics describing the execution of the winning plan as well as statistics for the other candidate plans captured during plan selection."allPlansExecution"模式下,MongoDB返回描述获胜计划执行情况的统计信息,以及在计划选择期间捕获的其他候选计划的统计信息。

For write operations, db.collection.explain() returns information about the update or delete operations that would be performed, but does not apply the modifications to the database.对于写操作,db.collection.explain()返回有关将要执行的更新或删除操作的信息,但不将修改应用于数据库。

db.collection.explain() returns the queryPlanner and executionStats information for the evaluated method. 返回已评估方法的queryPlannerexecutionStats信息。The executionStats includes the completed query execution information for the winning plan.executionStats包含获胜计划已完成查询执行信息。

If the query optimizer considered more than one plan, executionStats information also includes the partial execution information captured during the plan selection phase for both the winning and rejected candidate plans.如果查询优化器考虑了多个计划,executionStats信息还包括在计划选择阶段为获胜和被拒绝的候选计划捕获的部分执行信息。

Explain and Write Operations解释并编写操作

For write operations, db.collection.explain() returns information about the write operation that would be performed but does not actually modify the database.对于写操作,db.collection.explain()返回有关将要执行的写操作的信息,但不会实际修改数据库。


Starting in MongoDB 4.2, you cannot run the explain command/db.collection.explain() in executionStats mode or allPlansExecution mode for an aggregation pipeline that contains the $out stage. 从MongoDB 4.2开始,对于一个包含了$out阶段的聚合管道,你不能在executionStats模式或allPlainsExecution模式中运行explain命令/db.collection.explain()Instead, you can either:但是,你可以:

  • run the explain in queryPlanner mode orqueryPlanner模式下运行解释,或
  • run the explain in executionStats mode or allPlansExecution mode but without the $out stage to return information for the stages that precede the $out stage.executionStats模式或allPlansExecution模式下运行explain,但不使用$out阶段,以返回$out阶段之前阶段的信息。

explain() Mechanics机械化

The db.collection.explain() method wraps the explain command and is the preferred way to run explain.db.collection.explain()方法包装explain命令,是运行explain的首选方法。

db.collection.explain().find() is similar to db.collection.find().explain() with the following key differences:db.collection.find().explain()类似,但有以下关键区别:

  • The db.collection.explain().find() construct allows for the additional chaining of query modifiers. db.collection.explain().find()构造允许查询修饰符的附加链接。For list of query modifiers, see db.collection.explain().find().help().有关查询修饰符列表,请参阅db.collection.explain().find().help()
  • The db.collection.explain().find() returns a cursor, which requires a call to .next(), or its alias .finish(), to return the explain() results. db.collection.explain().find()返回一个游标,需要调用.next()或其别名.finish()才能返回explain()结果。If run interactively in the mongo shell, the mongo shell automatically calls .finish() to return the results. 如果在mongo shell中以交互方式运行,mongo shell会自动调用.finish()以返回结果。For scripts, however, you must explicitly call .next(), or .finish(), to return the results. 但是,对于脚本,必须显式调用.next().finish(),才能返回结果。For list of cursor-related methods, see db.collection.explain().find().help().有关游标相关方法的列表,请参阅db.collection.explain().find().help()

db.collection.explain().aggregate() is equivalent to passing the explain option to the db.collection.aggregate() method.相当于将explain选项传递给db.collection.aggregate()方法。


To see the list of operations supported by db.collection.explain(), run:要查看db.collection.explain()支持的操作列表,请运行:


db.collection.explain().find() returns a cursor, which allows for the chaining of query modifiers. 返回一个游标,该游标允许查询修饰符的链接。To see the list of query modifiers supported by db.collection.explain().find() as well as cursor-related methods, run:要查看db.collection.explain().find()支持的查询修饰符列表以及与游标相关的方法,请运行:


You can chain multiple modifiers to db.collection.explain().find(). 可以将多个修饰符链接到db.collection.explain().find()For an example, see Explain find() with Modifiers.有关示例,请参阅用修饰符解释find()


queryPlanner Mode模式

By default, db.collection.explain() runs in "queryPlanner" verbosity mode.默认情况下,db.collection.explain()"queryPlanner"详细模式运行。

The following example runs db.collection.explain() in "queryPlanner" verbosity mode to return the query planning information for the specified count() operation:以下示例在"queryPlanner"详细模式下运行db.collection.explain(),以返回指定count()操作的查询计划信息:

db.products.explain().count( { quantity: { $gt: 50 } } )

executionStats Mode模式

The following example runs db.collection.explain() in "executionStats" verbosity mode to return the query planning and execution information for the specified find() operation:以下示例在"executionStats"详细模式下运行db.collection.explain(),以返回指定find()操作的查询计划和执行信息:

   { quantity: { $gt: 50 }, category: "apparel" }

allPlansExecution Mode模式

The following example runs db.collection.explain() in "allPlansExecution" verbosity mode. 以下示例以"allPlansExecution"详细模式运行db.collection.explain()The db.collection.explain() returns the queryPlanner and executionStats for all considered plans for the specified update() operation:db.collection.explain()为指定的update()操作返回所有考虑的计划的queryPlannerexecutionStats


The execution of this explain will not modify data but runs the query predicate of the update operation. 执行此解释不会修改数据,而是运行更新操作的查询谓词。For candidate plans, MongoDB returns the execution information captured during the plan selection phase.对于候选计划,MongoDB返回在计划选择阶段捕获的执行信息。

   { quantity: { $lt: 1000}, category: "apparel" },
   { $set: { reorder: true } }

Explain find() with Modifiers用修饰符解释find()

db.collection.explain().find() construct allows for the chaining of query modifiers. 构造允许查询修饰符的链接。For example, the following operation provides information on the find() method with sort() and hint() query modifiers.例如,以下操作使用sort()hint()查询修饰符提供有关find()方法的信息。

   { quantity: { $gt: 50 }, category: "apparel" }
).sort( { quantity: -1 } ).hint( { category: 1, quantity: -1 } )

For a list of query modifiers available, run in the mongo shell:有关可用查询修饰符的列表,请在mongo shell中运行:


Iterate the explain().find() Return Cursor迭代explain().find()返回游标

db.collection.explain().find() returns a cursor to the explain results. 将游标返回到解释结果。If run interactively in the mongo shell, the mongo shell automatically iterates the cursor using the .next() method. 如果在mongo shell中以交互方式运行,mongo shell将使用.next()方法自动迭代游标。For scripts, however, you must explicitly call .next() (or its alias .finish()) to return the results:但是,对于脚本,必须显式调用.next()(或其别名.finish())以返回结果:

var explainResult = db.products.explain().find( { category: "apparel" } ).next();


db.collection.explain() operations can return information regarding:操作可以返回有关以下内容的信息:

The verbosity mode (i.e. queryPlanner, executionStats, allPlansExecution) determines whether the results include executionStats and whether executionStats includes data captured during plan selection.详细模式(即queryPlannerexecutionStatsallPlansExecution)确定结果是否包括executionStats,以及executionStats是否包括在计划选择期间捕获的数据。

For details on the output, see Explain Results.有关输出的详细信息,请参阅解释结果