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Welcome to the MongoDB 4.4 Manual!欢迎使用MongoDB 4.4手册!MongoDB is a document database designed for ease of development and scaling.MongoDB是为便于开发和扩展而设计的文档数据库。The Manual introduces key concepts in MongoDB, presents the query language, and provides operational and administrative considerations and procedures as well as a comprehensive reference section.该手册介绍了MongoDB中的关键概念,介绍了查询语言,并提供了操作和管理注意事项和过程,以及全面的参考部分。
MongoDB offers both a Community and an Enterpriseversion of the database:MongoDB提供了数据库的社区版本和企业版本:
A record in MongoDB is a document, which is a data structure composed of field and value pairs.MongoDB中的记录是一个文档,它是由字段和值对组成的数据结构。MongoDB documents are similar to JSON objects.MongoDB文档类似于JSON对象。The values of fields may include other documents, arrays, and arrays of documents.字段的值可以包括其他文档、数组和文档数组。
The advantages of using documents are:使用文档的优点是:
MongoDB stores documents in collections.MongoDB将文档存储在集合中。Collections are analogous to tables in relational databases.集合类似于关系数据库中的表。
In addition to collections, MongoDB supports:除了集合,MongoDB还支持:
MongoDB provides high performance data persistence.MongoDB提供了高性能的数据持久性。In particular,具体来说,
MongoDB supports a rich query language to supportMongoDB支持丰富的查询语言,以支持
read and write operations (CRUD)读写操作(CRUD)as well as:以及
See also另请参阅
MongoDB’s replication facility, called replica set, provides:MongoDB的复制工具称为副本集,它提供:
A replica setis a group of MongoDB servers that maintain the same data set, providing redundancy and increasing data availability.副本集是一组维护相同数据集的MongoDB服务器,提供冗余并提高数据可用性。
MongoDB provides horizontal scalability as part of its corefunctionality:MongoDB提供水平可扩展性作为其核心功能的一部分:
MongoDB supports
multiple storage engines:MongoDB支持
In addition, MongoDB provides pluggable storage engine API that allows third parties to develop storage engines for MongoDB.此外,MongoDB还提供了可插拔的存储引擎API,允许第三方为MongoDB开发存储引擎。