On this page
What is the Compass Isolated Edition?什么是Compass独立版?What is the performance impact of running this tool?运行此工具对性能有什么影响?How does Compass handle confidential data?Compass如何处理机密数据?Why am I seeing a warning about a non-genuine MongoDB server?为什么我看到关于非正版MongoDB服务器的警告?What happens to long running queries?长时间运行的查询会发生什么情况?Why are some features of MongoDB Compass not working?为什么MongoDBCompass的某些功能不起作用?How do I view and modify my Privacy Settings?如何查看和修改我的隐私设置?
What is the Compass Isolated Edition?什么是Compass隔离版?¶
Compass Isolated Edition restricts network requests to only the MongoDB server chosen on the Connect screen. Compass隔离版将网络请求仅限于在Connect屏幕上选择的MongoDB服务器。All other outbound connections are not permitted in this edition, meaning no additional firewall configuration is required when running Compass Isolated Edition.此版本中不允许所有其他出站连接,这意味着运行Compass隔离版时不需要额外的防火墙配置。
What is the performance impact of running this tool?运行此工具对性能有什么影响?¶
Testing has shown that MongoDB Compass has minimal impact in prototype deployments, though additional performance testing and monitoring is in progress.测试表明,MongoDB Compass对原型部署的影响最小,尽管正在进行额外的性能测试和监控。
You should only execute queries that are indexed appropriately in the database to avoid scanning the entire collection.您应该只执行在数据库中适当索引的查询,以避免扫描整个集合。
How does Compass handle confidential data?Compass如何处理机密数据?¶
MongoDB Compass stores and retrieves sensitive data such as passwords using a credentials API specific to the operating system running Compass. MongoDB Compass使用特定于运行Compass的操作系统的凭据API存储和检索敏感数据,如密码。The credentials API securely handles sensitive information by encrypting and protecting access to your data.凭据API通过加密和保护对数据的访问来安全地处理敏感信息。
MongoDB Compass stores the following data using the credentials API:MongoDB Compass使用凭据API存储以下数据:
MongoDB server passwords,MongoDB服务器密码,SSH passwords for tunneling,隧道的SSH密码,- TLS/SSL passphrases
MongoDB Compass utilizes a node.js native add-on, Keytar, to communicate with and store data in the operating system's credentials API. For more information on how Keytar operates and the specific APIs it accesses, refer to the Keytar Github documentation.
Why am I seeing a warning about a non-genuine MongoDB server?为什么我看到关于非正版MongoDB服务器的警告?¶
Starting in MongoDB Compass 1.19, Compass displays a warning message when connected to non-genuine MongoDB instances as these instances may behave differently from the official MongoDB instances; e.g. missing or incomplete features, different feature behaviors, etc.从MongoDB Compass 1.19开始,Compass在连接到非正版MongoDB实例时会显示警告消息,因为这些实例的行为可能与官方MongoDB实例不同;e、 g.缺少或不完整的特征、不同的特征行为等。
What happens to long running queries?长时间运行的查询会发生什么情况?¶
As a precaution, Compass aborts long running queries to prevent excessive querying on your database.作为预防措施,Compass将中止长时间运行的查询,以防止对数据库进行过度查询。
Slow Sampling慢采样¶
All queries that Compass sends to your MongoDB instance have a timeout flag set which automatically aborts a request if it takes longer than the specified timeout. Compass发送到MongoDB实例的所有查询都设置了超时标志,如果超过指定的超时时间,该标志将自动中止请求。This timeout is currently set to 10 seconds. If sampling on the database takes longer, Compass will notify you about the timeout and give you the options of (a) retrying with a longer timeout (60 seconds) or (b) running a different query.
Sampling time may be affected by a number of factors, like load on the server, number of documents and existence of a suitable index for your query.
It is recommended that you only increase the sampling timeout if you are not connected to a production instance, as this may negatively affect the performance and response time of your database.
Slow Schema Analysis¶
If the database returns documents faster than the specified timeout (10 or 60 seconds), but the schema analysis of the documents takes longer than expected (due to complex, large documents), Compass gives you the option to abort the analysis step and show the partial results.
Why are some features of MongoDB Compass not working?¶
If you can connect to your MongoDB instance using MongoDB Compass but some features do not work as expected, your system firewall may be blocking network requests required by MongoDB Compass. MongoDB Compass features which require incoming connections from external sources include:
- Third party mapping services
- Intercom
- Bugsnag for error reporting
To fix this issue, configure your system firewall to allow incoming connections for MongoDB Compass. Ensure ports 80
and 443
are open between MongoDB Compass and the host for the MongoDB Instance to which Compass connects.
Compass Isolated Edition restricts network requests to only the MongoDB server chosen on the Connect screen. All other outbound connections are not permitted in this edition, meaning no additional firewall configuration is required when running Compass Isolated Edition.
How do I view and modify my Privacy Settings?¶
To view and modify your MongoDB Compass privacy settings, from the top-level menu click Help, then Privacy Settings.
The privacy settings dialog allows you to toggle various MongoDB Compass settings such as enabling crash reports and automatic updates. See the following screenshot for all available privacy settings options:

Crash reports and automatic updates are not available in Compass Isolated Edition.
How do I enable geographic visualizations?¶
You can enable geographic visualizations in MongoDB Compass in your privacy settings. When Enable Geographic Visualizations is selected, MongoDB Compass is allowed to make requests to a third-party mapping service.
Third party mapping services are not available in Compass Isolated Edition.