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This document describes a data model that describes a tree like structure that optimizes discovering subtrees at the expense of tree mutability.本文档描述了一个数据模型,该模型描述了一个树状结构,该结构以树的可变性为代价优化发现子树。
The Nested Sets pattern identifies each node in the tree as stops in a round-trip traversal of the tree. 嵌套集模式将树中的每个节点标识为树的往返遍历中的停止点。The application visits each node in the tree twice; first during the initial trip, and second during the return trip. 应用程序访问树中的每个节点两次;第一次是在最初的行程中,第二次是在回程中。The Nested Sets pattern stores each tree node in a document; in addition to the tree node, document stores the id of node’s parent, the node’s initial stop in the 嵌套集模式将每个树节点存储在文档中;除了树节点外,文档还将节点父节点的id、节点的初始停止位置存储在left
field, and its return stop in the right
Consider the following hierarchy of categories:考虑以下类别的层次结构:
The following example models the tree using Nested Sets:以下示例使用嵌套集对树进行建模:
You can query to retrieve the descendants of a node:可以通过查询检索节点的子代:
The Nested Sets pattern provides a fast and efficient solution for finding subtrees but is inefficient for modifying the tree structure. 嵌套集模式为查找子树提供了快速有效的解决方案,但在修改树结构方面效率低下。As such, this pattern is best for static trees that do not change.因此,这种模式最适合于不变的静态树。