Specify Name for text Index指定text索引的名称

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Changed in MongoDB 4.2

Starting in version 4.2, for featureCompatibilityVersion set to "4.2" or greater, MongoDB removes the Index Name Length limit of 127 byte maximum. 从4.2版开始,对于设置为“4.2”或更高版本的featureCompatibilityVersion,MongoDB删除了最大127字节的索引名长度限制。In previous versions or MongoDB versions with featureCompatibilityVersion (fCV) set to "4.0", index names must fall within the limit.featureCompatibilityVersion(fCV)设置为“4.0”的早期版本或MongoDB版本中,索引名必须在限制范围内。

The default name for the index consists of each indexed field name concatenated with _text. 索引的默认名称由每个与_text连接的索引字段名组成。For example, the following command creates a text index on the fields content, users.comments, and users.profiles:例如,下面的命令在contentusers.commentsusers.profiles字段上创建文本索引:

     content: "text",
     "users.comments": "text",
     "users.profiles": "text"

The default name for the index is:索引的默认名称为:


Specify a Name for text Index指定text索引的名称

You can pass the name option to the db.collection.createIndex() method:您可以将name选项传递给db.collection.createIndex()方法:

     content: "text",
     "users.comments": "text",
     "users.profiles": "text"
     name: "MyTextIndex"

Use the Index Name to Drop a text Index使用索引名删除text索引

Whether the text index has the default name or you specified a name for the text index, to drop the text index, pass the index name to the db.collection.dropIndex() method.无论文本索引具有默认名称还是指定了文本索引的名称,要删除文本索引,请将索引名称传递给db.collection.dropIndex()方法。

For example, consider the index created by the following operation:例如,考虑以下操作创建的索引:

     content: "text",
     "users.comments": "text",
     "users.profiles": "text"
     name: "MyTextIndex"

Then, to remove this text index, pass the name "MyTextIndex" to the db.collection.dropIndex() method, as in the following:然后,要删除此文本索引,请将名称"MyTextIndex"传递给db.collection.dropIndex()方法,如下所示:


To get the names of the indexes, use the db.collection.getIndexes() method.要获取索引的名称,请使用db.collection.getIndexes()方法。