Aggregation with User Preference Data用户偏好数据聚合

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Data Model数据模型

Consider a hypothetical sports club with a database that contains a users collection that tracks the user’s join dates, sport preferences, and stores these data in documents that resemble the following:

  _id : "jane",
  joined : ISODate("2011-03-02"),
  likes : ["golf", "racquetball"]
  _id : "joe",
  joined : ISODate("2012-07-02"),
  likes : ["tennis", "golf", "swimming"]

Normalize and Sort Documents

The following operation returns user names in upper case and in alphabetical order. The aggregation includes user names for all documents in the users collection. You might do this to normalize user names for processing.

    { $project : { name:{$toUpper:"$_id"} , _id:0 } },
    { $sort : { name : 1 } }

All documents from the users collection pass through the pipeline, which consists of the following operations:

The results of the aggregation would resemble the following:

  "name" : "JANE"
  "name" : "JILL"
  "name" : "JOE"

Return Usernames Ordered by Join Month

The following aggregation operation returns user names sorted by the month they joined. This kind of aggregation could help generate membership renewal notices.

    { $project :
         month_joined : { $month : "$joined" },
         name : "$_id",
         _id : 0
    { $sort : { month_joined : 1 } }

The pipeline passes all documents in the users collection through the following operations:

The operation returns results that resemble the following:

  "month_joined" : 1,
  "name" : "ruth"
  "month_joined" : 1,
  "name" : "harold"
  "month_joined" : 1,
  "name" : "kate"
  "month_joined" : 2,
  "name" : "jill"

Return Total Number of Joins per Month

The following operation shows how many people joined each month of the year. You might use this aggregated data for recruiting and marketing strategies.

    { $project : { month_joined : { $month : "$joined" } } } ,
    { $group : { _id : {month_joined:"$month_joined"} , number : { $sum : 1 } } },
    { $sort : { "_id.month_joined" : 1 } }

The pipeline passes all documents in the users collection through the following operations:

The result of this aggregation operation would resemble the following:

  "_id" : {
    "month_joined" : 1
  "number" : 3
  "_id" : {
    "month_joined" : 2
  "number" : 9
  "_id" : {
    "month_joined" : 3
  "number" : 5

Return the Five Most Common “Likes”

The following aggregation collects top five most “liked” activities in the data set. This type of analysis could help inform planning and future development.

    { $unwind : "$likes" },
    { $group : { _id : "$likes" , number : { $sum : 1 } } },
    { $sort : { number : -1 } },
    { $limit : 5 }

The pipeline begins with all documents in the users collection, and passes these documents through the following operations:

The results of aggregation would resemble the following:

  "_id" : "golf",
  "number" : 33
  "_id" : "racquetball",
  "number" : 31
  "_id" : "swimming",
  "number" : 24
  "_id" : "handball",
  "number" : 19
  "_id" : "tennis",
  "number" : 18