SERVER-52834 Migrate sys-perf and perf tasks to use the new run_workload DSI command
SERVER-52867 Make sure secondary has finished closing connections after being removed before sending new commands in awaitable_hello_on_nodes_with_invalid_configs.js
SERVER-52929 Correctly handle compound indexes with 32 keys
SERVER-52969 Disable Powercyle on non-master branches
SERVER-52975 Fix use of ‘onRollback’ callback for collection validator options in ‘collection_impl.cpp’
SERVER-52983 Assertions in initial_sync_replSetGetStatus.js have to account for batch sizes smaller than collectionClonerBatchSize
SERVER-43664 Speedup WiredTiger storage engine startup for many tables by optimizing WiredTigerUtil::setTableLogging()
SERVER-47681 Background validation uses the kNoOverlap read source instead of kAllDurableSnapshot to prevent us from having to take the PBWM lock on secondaries
SERVER-47803 Move the database level profile setting from Database into CollectionCatalog
SERVER-47812 Secondaries persist wildcard multikeypaths out of order
SERVER-47959 Retry JournalFlusher oplog reads on WriteConflictExceptions caused by concurrent {full:true} validate command on the oplog collection
SERVER-48021 Add WT debug table logging mode to *kill_(primary|secondary)* tests
SERVER-48154 ident dropper should periodically yield Global IS lock
SERVER-48245 index drop allowed on drop-pending collection
SERVER-49776 Forward port MDB <-> WT versioning table from 4.2 to 4.4 and master, please
SERVER-50045 JournalFlusher can interrupt write concern with ShutdownInProgress during rollback
SERVER-50586 Collection validation should append the collection’s namespace to the output before any exceptions can be thrown
SERVER-51302 Override read timestamp check for refreshTransaction
SERVER-48705 sending SIGABRT to take core dumps on fixture teardown may overwrite core files from hang analyzer
SERVER-48742 Log whenever profiler settings are changed via setProfilingLevel
SERVER-48884 Test Proctor Initializer has incorrect prereqs
SERVER-48946 Remove the Biggie evergreen variant in the v4.4 branch
SERVER-48949 missed logv2 cleanup in snapshot_window_util.cpp in 4.4
SERVER-49102 Accept a filter expression as an alternative to slowMS/sampleRate
SERVER-49165 endSessions command in Client.Disconnect causes an authorization failure for an unauthed connection on a host that requires authentication
SERVER-49396 Only activate skipWriteConflictRetries failpoint for user connections
SERVER-49402 Misleading error message when connecting to Data Lake
SERVER-49507 Reduce memory consumption in startup repair when rebuilding unique indexes with a large number of duplicate records
SERVER-49766 Indexed and non-indexed collections return different results for null query
SERVER-49857 ASAN Ubuntu 18.04 build variant did not symbolize its output
SERVER-49926 [4.4] collMod should not accept “recordPreImages: false” option in FCV 4.2
SERVER-49957 Read out of bounds in getPrevAndNextUUIDs
SERVER-50010 Mongodb build should have specific ninja REGENERATE rule
SERVER-50051 Make jstests/multiversion/hashed_index_bad_keys_cleanup.js more robust
SERVER-50072 Check _isWindows() when initializing MongoRunner.EXIT_ABORT
SERVER-50123 Record number of physical cores on all platforms
SERVER-50134 Run microbenchmarks tests through DSI
SERVER-50148 Fix use-after-move in MultiIndexBlock
SERVER-50242 slow query message seen in mongos for ismaster
SERVER-50246 $unionWith explain loses information from any stages in sub-pipeline which get absorbed into cursor stage
SERVER-50249 Upgrade via package manager from 4.2.8 to 4.4.0
SERVER-50326 Restrict sharding in agg_out.js workload to a single thread
SERVER-50365 Stuck with long-running transactions that can’t be timed out
SERVER-50376 Ninja next does not see compiler changes
SERVER-50379 Reduce frequency of ! and * builders on 4.4
SERVER-50394 mongod audit log attributes DDL operations to the __system user in a sharded environment
SERVER-43938 Make auth_sharding_cmd_metadata.js start shards as replica sets
SERVER-46811 multi=true updates can modify the shard key of orphan documents and cause them to become owned
SERVER-47753 Enable random_moveChunk_index_operations.js in stepdown concurrency suites
SERVER-47900 Disable checkOrphansDeleted helper in 4.4 multiversion testing
SERVER-48066 Don’t allow update shard key concurrency test to update shard key to same value
SERVER-48096 PeriodicShardedIndexConsistencyChecker thread on jstests can cause unintended shard refreshes
SERVER-48229 Shutdown PeriodicShardedIndexConsistencyChecker after ReplicationCoordinator so no thread will try to pause the job after it has stopped
SERVER-48341 Remove requires_fcv_46 from tests blacklisted under SERVER-48307 after backporting SERVER-48307 to 4.4.
SERVER-48365 Migration manager recovery should handle a refined shard key
SERVER-48531 3 way deadlock can happen between chunk splitter, prepared transactions and stepdown thread.
SERVER-48556 random_moveChunk_broadcast_delete_transaction.js should treat an stepdown error while waiting for a range deletion task to complete as an acceptable moveChunk error
SERVER-48601 ChunkSplitter should use the same chunk bounds for splitVector and splitChunk
SERVER-48641 Deadlock due to the MigrationDestinationManager waiting for write concern with the session checked-out
SERVER-48679 flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates should block on critical section with kWrite, not kRead
SERVER-48689 MigrationDestinationManager waits for thread to join with session checked out
SERVER-48699 MaxTimeMS may expire in range_deleter_interacts_correctly_with_refine_shard_key.js test before _configsvrMoveChunk command started
SERVER-48929 The moveChunk helper needs to ignore LockTimeout errors
SERVER-49044 Make AsyncRequestSender not retry remote command requests with startTransaction=true