On this page本页内容
SERVER-45938 Allow matching O/OU/DC in client x509 cert if clusterMode:keyFile
SERVER-44586 add metrics to serverStatus to track type of update command
SERVER-48523 Unconditionally check the first entry in the oplog when attempting to resume a change stream
SERVER-43664 Speedup WiredTiger storage engine startup for many tables by optimizing WiredTigerUtil::setTableLogging()
SERVER-50463 Make PooledLDAPConnection::refresh take self-ownership
SERVER-26726 Check number of arguments for createIndex() and throw error if more than two arguments
SERVER-47733 SymmetricEncryptorWindows shouldn’t pad when update is called
SERVER-47714 Secondary asserts on system.profile collection with WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord 95: Operation not supported
SERVER-46810 Broken E11000 duplicate key error when unique index contains collation
SERVER-47233 WriteOp can be left in pending state, leading to erroneous NoProgressMade write error from mongos
SERVER-44689 Add serverStatus counter for each use of an aggregation stage in a user’s request
SERVER-45770 Add to information contained in logfile about “moveChunk.to”
SERVER-46858 [4.2] Start WT in read only mode if the ‘recoverToOplogTimestamp’ flag is missing for queryable backup
SERVER-46983 Upload repobuilding packages to correct URL
SERVER-45611 Lazily enforce that persisted collection validators are well formed
SERVER-45137 Increasing memory allocation in Top::record with high rate of collection creates and drops
SERVER-45662 Flow Control currentOp timeAcquiringMicros stat is no longer updated
TOOLS-2430 mongorestore: in dotted index keys, replace “hashed” with “1”
TOOLS-2380 mongodump fails against hidden node with authentication enabled
SERVER-42567 Remove magic from CollectionImpl and IndexCatalogImpl