On this page本页内容
SERVER-34243 listCollections should not require a MODE_S database lock
SERVER-26726 Check number of arguments for createIndex() and throw error if more than two arguments
SERVER-46342 DEB installs of MDB do not issue systemctl daemon-reload on install
SERVER-40317 $facet execution has no limit on how much memory it can consume
SERVER-49449 index_restart_secondary.js is not compatible with storage engines without support for persistence
SERVER-48244 Shell should not hard-code the allowed explain levels and let the server reject it instead
SERVER-46398 Suggest explicit dbpath when starting mongod on macOS and the default dbpath isn’t found
SERVER-45295 Make sure that LDAP logs always contain context on AuthZN operation
SERVER-46834 Use monotonic time in UserCacheInvalidator
SERVER-45418 DocumentSourceCursor batching memory accounting does not account for empty documents, leads to unbounded memory use for count-like aggregates
SERVER-45289 Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in validate_adaptor.cpp
SERVER-42565 Aggregations and find commands sort missing fields differently
SERVER-44796 Adjust nojournal startup warning to be more compelling
SERVER-44320 Allow zoned sharding commands to be authorized via actiontypes
SERVER-42914 Implement random chunk selection policy for balancer for use in concurrency_*_with_balancer workloads
SERVER-44571 Documents involved in SERVER-44050 corruption scenario cannot be updated or deleted after upgrade
SERVER-44584 (3.6) Rewriting updates as modifications incorrectly considers logging state
SERVER-43034 Special values handling is inconsistent in DoubleDoubleSummation
SERVER-42911 Rebuild mongodb by building.md and failed to build due to ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘Cheetah’ with MSVC on windows
SERVER-36099 FTDC for mongos is unworkably large for large installations
SERVER-38764 External sorter should use 64-bit integers for file offsets
SERVER-36622 Package tests fail for newer Ubuntu
TOOLS-2229 Mongofiles deletes chunks of existing file when failing to put_id with existing _id
SERVER-36606 Remove size limits on BSON audit events
SERVER-37155 Improve the LDAP server logging
SERVER-36993 mongod crash: Invariant failure indexedOr src/mongo/db/query/index_tag.cpp 237
SERVER-37126 Invoke runSafely for all external implscope methods
SERVER-35084 change_stream_enforce_max_time_ms_on_mongos.js expects getMore to schedule follow-up getMores
SERVER-36479 Log redaction does not show planSummary when slow queries are logged
SERVER-36884 Update curator version on stable branches
SERVER-35986 Stop running eval command in parallel suite on older branches
TOOLS-2075 mongoreplay always replays to secondary
SERVER-34515 Invariant failure _scope->exec( “$arr = [];”, “group clean up”, false, true, false , 2 * 1000)
SERVER-27534 All writing operations must fail if the term changes
SERVER-34399 $changeStream with invalid resume token crashes the server
SERVER-31625 The contents of {USER} needs to be escaped when querying for the groups using LDAP server
SERVER-32396 mongo shell failed to connect with 3.6 connection string SRV
SERVER-29453 Disallow removing the featureCompatibilityVersion document
TOOLS-1895 qa-dump-restore-archiving oplog_rollover_test.js