rs.add() |
Adds a member to a replica set.将成员添加到副本集中。 |
rs.addArb() |
Adds an arbiter to a replica set.将仲裁器添加到副本集。 |
rs.conf() |
Returns the replica set configuration document.返回副本集配置文档。 |
rs.freeze() |
Prevents the current member from seeking election as primary for a period of time.阻止当前成员在一段时间内寻求作为初选成员的选举。 | |
Returns basic help text for replica set functions.返回副本集函数的基本帮助文本。 |
rs.initiate() |
Initializes a new replica set.初始化新的副本集。 |
rs.printReplicationInfo() |
Prints a report of the status of the replica set from the perspective of the primary.从主副本的角度打印副本集状态的报告。 |
rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() |
Prints a report of the status of the replica set from the perspective of the secondaries.从二级副本的角度打印副本集状态的报告。 |
rs.reconfig() |
Re-configures a replica set by applying a new replica set configuration object.通过应用新的副本集配置对象来重新配置副本集。 |
rs.remove() |
Remove a member from a replica set.从副本集中删除成员。 |
rs.secondaryOk() |
Allows read operations on secondary members for the MongoDB connection.允许对MongoDB连接的辅助成员执行读取操作。 |
rs.status() |
Returns a document with information about the state of the replica set.返回包含副本集状态信息的文档。 |
rs.stepDown() |
Causes the current primary to become a secondary which forces an election.使当前的primary成为迫使选举进行的secondary选举。 |
rs.syncFrom() |
Sets the member that this replica set member will sync from, overriding the default sync target selection logic.设置此复制集成员将从中同步的成员,覆盖默认的同步目标选择逻辑。 |