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New in version 3.2.版本3.2中的新功能。

$bitsAllClear matches documents where all of the bit positions given by the query are clear (i.e. 0) in field.匹配查询给出的所有位位置在field中均为清除(即0)的文档。

{ <field>: { $bitsAllClear: <numeric bitmask> } }
{ <field>: { $bitsAllClear: < BinData bitmask> } }
{ <field>: { $bitsAllClear: [ <position1>, <position2>, ... ] } }

The field value must be either numeric or a BinData instance. field值必须是数字或BinData实例。Otherwise, $bitsAllClear will not match the current document.否则,$bitsAllClear将与当前文档不匹配。

Numeric Bitmask
You can provide a numeric bitmask to be matched against the operand field. 可以提供与操作数字段匹配的数字位掩码。It must be representable as a non-negative 32-bit signed integer. 它必须可以表示为非负32位有符号整数。Otherwise, $bitsAllClear will return an error.否则,$bitsAllClear将返回一个错误。
BinData Bitmask
You can also use an arbitrarily large BinData instance as a bitmask.还可以将任意大的BinData实例用作位掩码。
Position List
If querying a list of bit positions, each <position> must be a non-negative integer. 如果查询位位置列表,则每个<position>必须是非负整数。Bit positions start at 0 from the least significant bit. 位位置从最低有效位的0开始。For example, the decimal number 254 would have the following bit positions:例如,十进制数254将具有以下位位置:
Bit Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Position 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Queries cannot use indexes for the $bitsAllClear portion of a query, although the other portions of a query can use indexes, if applicable.查询不能为查询的$bitsAllClear部分使用索引,尽管查询的其他部分可以使用索引(如果适用)。

Floating Point Values浮点值

$bitsAllClear will not match numerical values that cannot be represented as a signed 64-bit integer. $bitsAllClear将不匹配不能表示为有符号64位整数的数值。This can be the case if a value is either too large or too small to fit in a signed 64-bit integer, or if it has a fractional component.如果一个值太大或太小,无法放入有符号的64位整数,或者它有一个分数分量,则可能会出现这种情况。

Sign Extension符号扩展

Numbers are sign extended. 数字是符号扩展的。For example, $bitsAllClear considers bit position 200 to be set for the negative number -5, but bit position 200 to be clear for the positive number +5.例如,$bitsAllClear认为位位置200被设置为负数-5,但位位置200被清除为正数+5

In contrast, BinData instances are zero-extended. 相比之下,BinData实例是零扩展的。For example, given the following document:例如,给定以下文档:

db.collection.save({ x: BinData(0, "ww=="), binaryValueofA: "11000011" })

$bitsAllClear will consider all bits outside of x to be clear.$bitsAllClear将考虑x以外的所有比特都是清除的。


The following examples will use a collection with the following documents:以下示例将使用包含以下文档的集合:

db.collection.save({ _id: 1, a: 54, binaryValueofA: "00110110" })
db.collection.save({ _id: 2, a: 20, binaryValueofA: "00010100" })
db.collection.save({ _id: 3, a: 20.0, binaryValueofA: "00010100" })
db.collection.save({ _id: 4, a: BinData(0, "Zg=="), binaryValueofA: "01100110" })

Bit Position Array位位置阵列

The following query uses the $bitsAllClear operator to test whether field a has bits clear at position 1 and position 5, where the least significant bit is position 0.下面的查询使用$bitsAllClear运算符来测试字段a在位置1和位置5是否有位清除,其中最低有效位是位置0。

db.collection.find( { a: { $bitsAllClear: [ 1, 5 ] } } )

The query matches the following documents:该查询与以下文档匹配:

{ "_id" : 2, "a" : 20, "binaryValueofA" : "00010100" }
{ "_id" : 3, "a" : 20, "binaryValueofA" : "00010100" }

Integer Bitmask整数位掩码

The following query uses the $bitsAllClear operator to test whether field a has bits clear at positions 0, 1, and 5 (the binary representation of the bitmask 35 is 00100011).以下查询使用$bitsAllClear运算符测试字段a在位置015处是否有位清除(位掩码35的二进制表示形式为00100011)。

db.collection.find( { a: { $bitsAllClear: 35 } } )

The query matches the following documents:该查询与以下文档匹配:

{ "_id" : 2, "a" : 20, "binaryValueofA" : "00010100" }
{ "_id" : 3, "a" : 20, "binaryValueofA" : "00010100" }

BinData BitmaskBinData位掩码

The following query uses the $bitsAllClear operator to test whether field a has bits clear at positions 2 and 4 (the binary representation of BinData(0, "ID==") is 00010100.下面的查询使用$bitsAllClear运算符来测试字段a在位置24处是否有清除位(BinData(0, "ID==")的二进制表示形式为0000100

db.collection.find( { a: { $bitsAllClear: BinData(0, "ID==") } } )

The query matches the following documents:该查询与以下文档匹配:

{ "_id" : 2, "a" : 20, "binaryValueofA" : "00010100" }
{ "_id" : 3, "a" : 20, "binaryValueofA" : "00010100" }