$round (aggregation)

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$round rounds a number to a whole integer or to a specified decimal place.将数字舍入为整数或指定的小数点。

$round has the following syntax:语法如下所示:

{ $round : [ <number>, <place> ] }
<number> number

Can be any valid expression that resolves to a number. Specifically, the expression must resolve to an integer, double, decimal, or long.

$round returns an error if the expression resolves to a non-numeric data type.

<place> integer

Optional Can be any valid expression that resolves to an integer between -20 and 100, exclusive. e.g. -20 < place < 100. Defaults to 0 if unspecified.

  • If <place> resolves to a positive integer, $round rounds to <place> decimal places.

    For example, $round : [1234.5678, 2] rounds to two decimal places and returns 1234.57.

  • If <place> resolves to a negative integer, $round rounds using the digit <place> to the left of the decimal.

    For example, $round : [1234.5678, -2] uses the 2nd digit to the left of the decimal (3) and returns 1200.

    If the absolute value of <place> equals or exceeds the number of digits to the left of the decimal, $round returns 0.

    For example, $round : [ 1234.5678, -4] specifies the fourth digit to the left of the decimal. This equals the number of digits left of the decimal and returns 0.

  • If <place> resolves to 0, $round rounds using the first digit to the right of the decimal and returns rounded integer value.

    For example, $round : [1234.5678, 0] returns 1234.


Rounding Numbers Ending in 5以5结尾的四舍五入数字

To minimize the skew errors that are caused by always rounding upwards, numbers ending in 5 are rounded to the nearest even value. 为了最大限度地减少总是向上舍入导致的倾斜误差,以5结尾的数字被舍入到最接近的偶数值。This is the IEEE standard for floating point numbers and also works well operations across sequences.这是IEEE浮点数标准,也适用于跨序列的操作。

For example, consider this chart:例如,考虑这张图表:

OriginalRounded 1Rounded 0Rounded -1
124.5 124.5 124 120
125.5 125.5 126 130
25 25 25 20
12.5 12.5 12 10
2.25 2.2 2 0
2.45 2.5 2 0

The chart highlights a few points.图表突出了几点。

  • The $round function is not limited to floats. $round函数不限于浮动。(25 becomes 20).
  • Rounded numbers can still end in 5 四舍五入的数字仍然可以以5结尾(2.45 becomes 2.5)
  • The rounded value is determined by more than one digit舍入值由多个数字决定

For further discussion of the ‘Round Half to Even’ technique, see this article.有关“从一半到一半”技术的进一步讨论,请参阅本文

Returned Data Type返回的数据类型

If rounding to a specific decimal place, the data type returned by $round matches the data type of the input expression or value.

If rounding to a whole integer value, $round returns the value as an integer.

null, NaN, and +/- Infinity

  • If the first argument resolves to a value of null or refers to a field that is missing, $round returns null.
  • If the first argument resolves to NaN, $round returns NaN.
  • If the first argument resolves to negative or positive infinity, $round returns negative or positive infinity respectively.
{ $round: [ NaN, 1] } NaN
{ $round: [ null, 1] } null
{ $round : [ Infinity, 1 ] } Infinity
{ $round : [ -Infinity, 1 ] } -Infinity


A collection named samples contains the following documents:

{ _id: 1, value: 19.25 }
{ _id: 2, value: 28.73 }
{ _id: 3, value: 34.32 }
{ _id: 4, value: -45.39 }