$asin (aggregation)

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New in version 4.2.版本4.2中的新功能。

Returns the inverse sine (arc sine) of a value.返回值的反正弦(弧正弦)。

$asin has the following syntax:语法如下所示:

{ $asin: <expression> }

$asin takes any valid expression that resolves to a number between -1 and 1, e.g. -1 <= value <= 1.$asin接受解析为-11之间的数字的任何有效表达式,例如-1 <= value <= 1

$asin returns values in radians. $asin以弧度为单位返回值。Use $radiansToDegrees operator to convert the output value from radians to degrees.使用$radiansToDegrees运算符将输出值从弧度转换为度。

By default $asin returns values as a double. 默认情况下,$asin返回double值。$asin can also return values as a 128-bit decimal as long as the <expression> resolves to a 128-bit decimal value.$asin还可以返回128位十进制值,只要<expression>解析为128位十进制值。

For more information on expressions, see Expressions.有关表达式的详细信息,请参阅表达式


If the argument resolves to a value of null or refers to a field that is missing, $asin returns null. 如果参数解析为null值或引用缺少的字段,$asin返回nullIf the argument resolves to NaN, $asin returns NaN. 如果参数解析为NaN$asin返回NaNIf the argument resolves to a value outside the bounds of [-1, 1] inclusive, $asin throws an error.如果参数解析为超出[-1, 1]范围的值,则$asin将抛出错误。

{ $asin: NaN } NaN
{ $asin: null } null

{ $asin : Infinity}


{ $asin : -Infinity }

Throws an error message resembling the following formatted output:抛出类似以下格式化输出的错误消息:

"errmsg" :
  "Failed to optimize pipeline :: caused by :: cannot
apply$asinto -inf, value must in [-1,1]"


The trigonometry collection contains a document that stores three sides of a right-angle triangle:trigonometry包含一个文档,其中存储直角三角形的三条边:

  "_id" : ObjectId("5c50782193f833234ba90d85"),
  "side_a" : NumberDecimal("3"),
  "side_b" : NumberDecimal("4"),
  "hypotenuse" : NumberDecimal("5")

The following aggregation operation uses the $asin expression to calculate the angle opposite to side_a and add it to the input document using the $addFields pipeline stage.下面的聚合操作使用$asin表达式来计算与side_a相对的角度,并使用$addFields管道阶段将其添加到输入文档中。

    $addFields : {
      "angle_a" : {
        $radiansToDegrees : {
          $asin : {
            $divide : [ "$side_a", "$hypotenuse" ]

The $radiansToDegrees expression converts the radian value returned by $asin to the equivalent value in degrees.$radiansToDegrees表达式将$asin返回的弧度值转换为以度为单位的等效值。

The command returns the following output:该命令返回以下输出:

  "_id" : ObjectId("5c50782193f833234ba90d85"),
  "side_a" : NumberDecimal("3"),
  "side_b" : NumberDecimal("4"),
  "hypotenuse" : NumberDecimal("5"),
  "angle_a" : NumberDecimal("36.86989764584402129685561255909341")

Since side_a and hypotenuse are stored as 128-bit decimals, the output of $asin is a 128-bit decimal.由于side_ahypotenuse存储为128位十进制数$asin的输出为128位十进制数

The trigonometry collection contains a document that stores three sides of a right-angle triangle:trigonometry集合包含一个文档,其中存储直角三角形的三条边:

  "_id" : ObjectId("5c50782193f833234ba90d85"),
  "side_a" : NumberDecimal("3"),
  "side_b" : NumberDecimal("4"),
  "hypotenuse" : NumberDecimal("5")

The following aggregation operation uses the $asin expression to calculate the angle adjacent to side_a and add it to the input document using the $addFields pipeline stage.下面的聚合操作使用$asin表达式来计算与side_a相邻的角度,并使用$addFields管道阶段将其添加到输入文档中。

    $addFields : {
      "angle_a" : {
        $asin : {
          $divide : [ "$side_a", "$hypotenuse" ]

The command returns the following output:该命令返回以下输出:

  "_id" : ObjectId("5c50782193f833234ba90d85"),
  "side_a" : NumberDecimal("3"),
  "side_b" : NumberDecimal("4"),
  "hypotenuse" : NumberDecimal("5"),
  "angle_a" : NumberDecimal("0.6435011087932843868028092287173226")

Since side_a and hypotenuse are stored as 128-bit decimals, the output of $asin is a 128-bit decimal.由于side_ahypotenuse存储为128位十进制数$asin的输出为128位十进制数