cursor.addOption() |
Adds special wire protocol flags that modify the behavior of the query.添加修改查询行为的特殊wire协议标志。 |
cursor.allowDiskUse() |
Allows MongoDB to use temporary files on disk to store data exceeding the 100 megabyte system memory limit while processing a blocking sort operation.允许MongoDB在处理阻塞排序操作时使用磁盘上的临时文件存储超过100 MB系统内存限制的数据。 |
cursor.allowPartialResults() |
Allows db.collection.find() operations against a sharded collection to return partial results, rather than an error, if one or more queried shards are unavailable.如果一个或多个查询的分片不可用,则允许对分片集合执行db.collection.find() 操作以返回部分结果,而不是错误。 |
cursor.batchSize() |
Controls the number of documents MongoDB will return to the client in a single network message.控制MongoDB在单个网络消息中返回到客户端的文档数。 |
cursor.close() |
Close a cursor and free associated server resources.关闭光标并释放关联的服务器资源。 |
cursor.isClosed() |
Returns true if the cursor is closed.如果光标已关闭,则返回true 。 |
cursor.collation() |
Specifies the collation for the cursor returned by the db.collection.find() .指定db.collection.find() 返回的游标的排序规则。 |
cursor.comment() |
Attaches a comment to the query to allow for traceability in the logs and the system.profile collection.将注释附加到查询,以允许在日志和system.profile 集合中进行跟踪。 |
cursor.count() |
Modifies the cursor to return the number of documents in the result set rather than the documents themselves.修改光标以返回结果集中的文档数,而不是文档本身。 |
cursor.explain() |
Reports on the query execution plan for a cursor.报告游标的查询执行计划。 |
cursor.forEach() |
Applies a JavaScript function for every document in a cursor.为游标中的每个文档应用JavaScript函数。 |
cursor.hasNext() |
Returns true if the cursor has documents and can be iterated.如果游标具有文档并且可以迭代,则返回true 。 |
cursor.hint() |
Forces MongoDB to use a specific index for a query.强制MongoDB对查询使用特定索引。 |
cursor.isExhausted() |
Returns true if the cursor is closed and there are no objects remaining in the batch.如果光标已关闭且批处理中没有剩余对象,则返回true 。 |
cursor.itcount() |
Computes the total number of documents in the cursor client-side by fetching and iterating the result set.通过获取并迭代结果集,计算游标客户端中的文档总数。 |
cursor.limit() |
Constrains the size of a cursor’s result set.约束光标结果集的大小。 | |
Applies a function to each document in a cursor and collects the return values in an array.将函数应用于游标中的每个文档,并在数组中收集返回值。 |
cursor.max() |
Specifies an exclusive upper index bound for a cursor. 指定游标的独占索引上限。For use with cursor.hint() 与cursor.hint() 一起使用 |
cursor.maxTimeMS() |
Specifies a cumulative time limit in milliseconds for processing operations on a cursor.指定处理光标上的操作的累积时间限制(以毫秒为单位)。 |
cursor.min() |
Specifies an inclusive lower index bound for a cursor. 指定游标的包含性索引下限。For use with cursor.hint() 与cursor.hint() 一起使用 | |
Returns the next document in a cursor.返回光标中的下一个文档。 |
cursor.noCursorTimeout() |
Instructs the server to avoid closing a cursor automatically after a period of inactivity.指示服务器避免在一段时间不活动后自动关闭光标。 |
cursor.objsLeftInBatch() |
Returns the number of documents left in the current cursor batch.返回当前游标批中剩余的文档数。 |
cursor.pretty() |
Configures the cursor to display results in an easy-to-read format.将光标配置为以易于阅读的格式显示结果。 |
cursor.readConcern() |
Specifies a read concern for a find() operation.指定find() 操作的读取关注点。 |
cursor.readPref() |
Specifies a read preference to a cursor to control how the client directs queries to a replica set.指定游标的读取首选项,以控制客户端如何将查询定向到副本集。 |
cursor.returnKey() |
Modifies the cursor to return index keys rather than the documents.修改光标以返回索引键而不是文档。 |
cursor.showRecordId() |
Adds an internal storage engine ID field to each document returned by the cursor.将内部存储引擎ID字段添加到光标返回的每个文档中。 |
cursor.size() |
Returns a count of the documents in the cursor after applying skip() and limit() methods.在应用skip() 和limit() 方法后,返回游标中文档的计数。 |
cursor.skip() |
Returns a cursor that begins returning results only after passing or skipping a number of documents.返回仅在传递或跳过多个文档后才开始返回结果的游标。 |
cursor.sort() |
Returns results ordered according to a sort specification.返回根据排序规范排序的结果。 |
cursor.tailable() |
Marks the cursor as tailable. Only valid for cursors over capped collections.将光标标记为可裁剪。仅对上限集合上的游标有效。 |
cursor.toArray() |
Returns an array that contains all documents returned by the cursor.返回包含光标返回的所有文档的数组。 |