Database References数据库引用

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For many use cases in MongoDB, the denormalized data model where related data is stored within a single document will be optimal. 对于MongoDB中的许多用例,将相关数据存储在单个文档中的非规范化数据模型将是最佳的。However, in some cases, it makes sense to store related information in separate documents, typically in different collections or databases.但是,在某些情况下,将相关信息存储在单独的文档中是有意义的,通常存储在不同的集合或数据库中。


MongoDB 3.2 introduces $lookup pipeline stage to perform a left outer join to an unsharded collection in the same database. MongoDB 3.2引入$lookup管道阶段来执行对同一数据库中未分片集合的左外部联接。For more information and examples, see $lookup.有关更多信息和示例,请参阅$lookup

Starting in MongoDB 3.4, you can also use $graphLookup pipeline stage to join an unsharded collection to perform recursive search. 从MongoDB 3.4开始,您还可以使用$graphLookup管道阶段加入未分片的集合以执行递归搜索。For more information and examples, see $graphLookup.有关更多信息和示例,请参阅$graphLookup

This page outlines alternative procedures that predate the $lookup and $graphLookup pipeline stages.本页概述了$lookup$graphLookup管道阶段之前的替代过程。

MongoDB applications use one of two methods for relating documents:MongoDB应用程序使用以下两种方法之一来关联文档:

Unless you have a compelling reason to use DBRefs, use manual references instead.除非您有充分的理由使用DBRefs,否则请改用手动引用。

[1]Some community supported drivers may have alternate behavior and may resolve a DBRef into a document automatically.一些社区支持的驱动程序可能具有其他行为,并且可能会自动将DBRef解析为文档。

Manual References手动引用


Using manual references is the practice of including one document’s _id field in another document. 使用手动引用是将一个文档_id字段包含在另一个文档中的做法。The application can then issue a second query to resolve the referenced fields as needed.然后,应用程序可以根据需要发出第二个查询来解析引用的字段。


Consider the following operation to insert two documents, using the _id field of the first document as a reference in the second document:考虑以下操作,使用第二文档中的第一文档的_id字段作为引用,插入两个文档:

original_id = ObjectId()
    "_id": original_id,
    "name": "Broadway Center",
    "url": ""
    "name": "Erin",
    "places_id": original_id,
    "url":  ""

Then, when a query returns the document from the people collection you can, if needed, make a second query for the document referenced by the places_id field in the places collection.然后,当查询从people集合返回文档时,如果需要,您可以对places集合中的places_id字段引用的文档进行第二次查询。


For nearly every case where you want to store a relationship between two documents, use manual references. 对于几乎所有要存储两个文档之间关系的情况,都要使用手动引用The references are simple to create and your application can resolve references as needed.引用易于创建,应用程序可以根据需要解析引用。

The only limitation of manual linking is that these references do not convey the database and collection names. 手动链接的唯一限制是这些引用不传递数据库和集合名称。If you have documents in a single collection that relate to documents in more than one collection, you may need to consider using DBRefs.如果单个集合中的文档与多个集合中的文档相关,则可能需要考虑使用DBRFS。



DBRefs are a convention for representing a document, rather than a specific reference type. DBREF是表示文档的约定,而不是特定的引用类型。They include the name of the collection, and in some cases the database name, in addition to the value from the _id field.除了_id字段中的值之外,它们还包括集合的名称,在某些情况下还包括数据库名称。


DBRefs have the following fields:DBREF具有以下字段:


The $ref field holds the name of the collection where the referenced document resides.$ref字段保存引用文档所在的集合的名称。


The $id field contains the value of the _id field in the referenced document.$id字段包含引用文档中_id字段的值。



Contains the name of the database where the referenced document resides.包含引用文档所在的数据库的名称。

Only some drivers support $db references.只有一些驱动程序支持$db引用。


DBRef documents resemble the following document:DBRef文档类似于以下文档:

{ "$ref" : <value>, "$id" : <value>, "$db" : <value> }

Consider a document from a collection that stored a DBRef in a creator field:从存储在一个creator字段中的一个dBrf的集合中考虑一个文档:

  "_id" : ObjectId("5126bbf64aed4daf9e2ab771"),
  // .. application fields
  "creator" : {
                  "$ref" : "creators",
                  "$id" : ObjectId("5126bc054aed4daf9e2ab772"),
                  "$db" : "users"

The DBRef in this example points to a document in the creators collection of the users database that has ObjectId("5126bc054aed4daf9e2ab772") in its _id field.本例中的DBRef指向用户数据库的creators集合中的一个文档,该文档的_id字段中有ObjectId("5126bc054aed4daf9e2ab772")


The order of fields in the DBRef matters, and you must use the above sequence when using a DBRef.DBRef中字段的顺序很重要,使用DBRef时必须使用上述顺序。

Driver Support for DBRefsDBRefs的驱动程序支持

DriverDBRef SupportNotes备注
C Not Supported You can traverse references manually.
C++ Not Supported You can traverse references manually.
C# Supported Please see the C# driver page for more information.
Haskell Not Supported You can traverse references manually.
Java Supported Please see the Java driver page for more information.
Node.js Supported Please see the Node.js driver page for more information.
Perl Supported Please see the Perl driver page for more information.
PHP Not Supported You can traverse references manually.
Python Supported Please see the PyMongo driver page for more information.
Ruby Supported Please see the Ruby driver page for more information.
Scala Not Supported You can traverse references manually.


In most cases you should use the manual reference method for connecting two or more related documents. 在大多数情况下,您应该使用手动引用方法连接两个或多个相关文档。However, if you need to reference documents from multiple collections, consider using DBRefs.但是,如果需要引用来自多个集合的文档,请考虑使用DBRFS。